The 57th annual CCSS Conference is in San Diego March 23-25, 2018. The theme is Tearing Down Walls: Building Connections, Collaboration and Civil Discourse. This conference will continue a tradition devoted to providing quality professional development, new scholarship, research-based strategies, and networking - all designed to improve the teaching and learning of history-social studies across the state. CISP will host a booth and present sessions focused on global education for California students. Look for these CISP Sessions:
Friday, March 22:
- Engaging Elementary Global Citizens in Inquiry
- Engaging Students in Local and Global Contexts through Human Geography
- Nigeria -- History, Identity & Change
- Making Global Connections Using Environmental Principles and Concepts to Inspire Student Action
- Going Global: Teaching Global Competencies Across H/SS, Science & ELA
- Ethnic Studies: Preparing students for a diverse and interconnected world
- Building Community through Cultural Studies
Saturday, March 23:
- GeoGlobal Book Bags to Enhance Elementary Literacy
- Immigration and the U.S. Policy Debate
- Understanding Global Issues: The Worldwide Refugee Crisis
- Tearing Down Walls with Generation Global: Skills for Navigating Difference
- The American Revolution: Unheard Voices of Rebellion
Sunday, March 24:
- Globalizing the Classroom through Project Based Learning