Collaborating, Connecting, Conferencing: CGEP Activities
Global Steam2 Academy
CGEP is working in partnership with Global STEAM2 Academy in Santa Paula Unified to develop a model Global Education school. Formerly Glen City Elementary, the school is launching a new vision, expanding grade levels, and exploring what it means to be global while developing a STEAM focus in a dual language immersion learning environment.
Through meetings, workshops, coaching, and resource development, CGEP is excited to collaborate with the dedicated and inspiring educators at Global STEAM2Academy!
21 CSLA: Inquiry Now
Inquiry Now: Equity-Centered Instructional Leadership is a program designed and presented by CSMP in partnership with California Schools Leadership Academy for the 21st Century (21 CSLA). CGEP collaborated with other CSMP leaders to develop this 4-part, 2-day professional learning program for school leaders. The program presents inquiry-based instruction as a way to effectively center equity efforts and offers support strategies for school and district leaders. This in-person program is offered through 21 CSLA Regional Academies and by request. CGEP is proud to participate in this evolving work — online modules and Community of Practice coming in 2023-2024 — and as program presenters.
21 CSLA: Universal Transitional Kindergarten
In collaboration with CSMP leaders, CGEP has participated in the development of a professional learning module for school leaders focused on play-based and equity-centered instructional practices anchored in the California Learning Foundations for Transitional Kindergarten. In partnership with 21 CSLA, our development of the module will add disciplinary-specific content and pedagogical support guidance to a series of modules designed to assist school leaders in creating, developing, evaluating, and enhancing their TK programs.
Global Book Bags for Northern California
In collaboration with the Glenn County Office of Education and Siskiyou County Office of Education, CGEP has enjoyed working with elementary teachers to develop their class sets of globally themed books and global learning activities that accompany each book for in-class and/or at-home learning.
Siskiyou County educators participated in two virtual sessions on February 23 and March 1 before meeting in person on March 25 to assemble their class book bags. The theme for these books and their professional learning was Identity, Culture, and Social Justice in support of elementary pathways for Ethnic Studies.
Glenn County educators met March 1, 8, and 12, 2022, for Global Books Bags for Inclusive and Equitable Classrooms and again February 1, 7, and 11, 2023 with a greater focus on Ethnic Studies principles and outcomes. PK, TK, and Kindergarten teachers also met October 15 for Early Learning Teacher Development Workshop: Global Books for H-SS Foundations.
The phrase “so many books, so little time” echoed through each of these workshops.
K12 Global Forum
CGEP participated in the inaugural convening of K-12 global education leaders from across the U.S. September 27-28, 2018, at the U.S. Institute for Peace in Washington, DC. The forum provided presentations and panel discussions describing the challenges, successes, and goals of global education programs that exist at the school, district, state, national, and international levels. The forum promoted storytelling as a way to showcase and grow global education programs. Organized by District of Columbia Public Schools and The George Washington University, this project was funded by the National Geographic Society and supported by the Longview Foundation.
CGEP at CSU Long Beach Director Barbara Vallejo Doten leads educators in an exercise to deepen understandings of global competence.
Truckee Elementary teachers and Vice Principal construct a road map for their global education program while Asia Society's Center for Global Education Associate Director Heather Singmaster observes.
California Model Global Education Programs
CGEP joined the California World Language Project (CWLP) and California Department of Education to develop the California Model Global Education Program. Multicultural Learning Center, a K-8 public charter school in Los Angeles, was awarded for its Model Global Education Program. Vista Heights Middle School in Moreno Valley and Truckee Elementary in Truckee were recognized as emerging Model Global Education Programs. All three schools met in Sacramento on August 9, 2018, for a global education workshop and will receive on-site coaching this Fall by CGEP and CWLP leaders. This program was made possible by a grant awarded to the California Global Education Network by the Longview Foundation.
CGEP Teacher Leader Amy Vigil explains her group's analogy of global competence to the teachers in the Instructional Models and Strategies the Promote Global Competency Across Disciplines strand.
Dr. Aaron Bruce, Chief Diversity Officer at San Diego State University, launched the global competence keynote series for the World Language Summer Seminar.
World Language Summer Seminar
CGEP teamed up with the California World Language Project (CWLP) for their 29th annual World Language Summer Seminar. The seminar was held July 20-25, 2018, at UC Santa Barbara. After daily general sessions, which featured keynote speakers Aaron Bruce (SDSU Chief Diversity Officer), Brandon Wiley (Buck Institute for Education Chief Program Officer), Ken Simon (World Savvy Chief Learning Officer), and Tom Herman (California Geographic Alliance Director), educators worked in separate strands. CGEP and CWLP introduced a new strand: Instructional Models and Strategies that Promote Global Competency Across Disciplines.
CAPP College Going Culture Program
The California History-Social Science Project, Science Project, Writing Project, Reading & Literature Project, and Global Education Project teamed up to work with high school teachers (2015-2018) to develop disciplinary literacy knowledge and skills for use in the classroom.
Media and Information Literacy Summit
The California Department of Education hosted the first Media and Information Literacy Summit in Sacramento on May 23, 2018. CGEP Executive Director Emily Schell presented the keynote -- Curious Skeptics and Global Citizens: Empowering Our Students to Explore the World -- and facilitated a panel of interdisciplinary educators who shared strategies and challenges for teaching media literacy across the grades.
Teaching for Sustainable Communities Focus Groups
CGEP conducted focus groups in Long Beach and Sonoma in May 2018 to determine the experiences of teachers who participated in the 2017-18 pilot program Teaching for Sustainable Communities.
CA STEAM Symposium
CGEP led a session on Design Thinking with information about the Teaching for Sustainable Communities program offered across the state this summer. The California STEAM Symposium was held December 10-11, 2017, in San Francisco. Special thanks to Ten Strands for sponsoring CGEP's session presentation.
Children & Nature Network Leadership Summit
CGEP participated in the 2018 leadership summit's Green Schoolyards strand May 21-22, 2018, to promote educating in the outdoors as a way to improve student health and environmental literacy development.
CATE Pre-Convention Day
Teachers discuss global competence indicators and how they relate to their work with students. CGEP collaborated with the California Writing Project and presented two sessions at the California Association for Teachers of English (CATE) Pre-Convention day -- With Literacy and Justice for all -- on March 8, 2018, in San Diego. CGEP at CSU Long Beach Director Barbara Vallejo Doten and CGEP Executive Director Emily Schell presented Engaging All Learners for Global Citizenship. CGEP at San Diego Teacher Leaders Kelly Leon and Gina Vattuone presented The Story of a Globally Connected Classroom.
California Council for Social Studies Conference
CGEP Teacher Leadership Retreat
LeadLearn 2018: Educating for Civic Responsibility
The California Subject Matter Project's LeadLearn forum was held at UC Davis February 27-28, 2018. The theme for this year's forum was civic engagement and teaching for civic responsibility across the disciplines. CGEP presented about Global Competence, Environmental Literacy, and student agency.