2022-2023 At a Glance
Download CGEP’s 2022-2023 Annual Report to learn more about our professional learning programs and progress in expanding global education in California schools. This report describes in-person and hybrid support for teachers still recovering from the pandemic and finding their way while teaching in a brave new world. Read more about environmental justice programs, coaching for globally competent teaching, ethnic studies, and working with school leaders to promote equity-centered inquiry learning. Also, learn about a new approach to bringing educators together for the 2nd Annual Global Education Forum.
2021-2022 AT A GLANCE
Download CGEP’s 2021-2022 Annual Report to learn more about our regional sites and programs from last year. The report includes the voices of many educators who participated in our professional learning programs as well as three impact reports featuring the Global Book Bags Program, Northern California Global Teacher Fellowship, and the first annual California Global Education Forum.