Future Imperfect

Sacramento Valley

In California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, the Sacramento Valley region, from Shasta down to the delta, is home to about 2.4 million people – 6% of the state total. More than half of those people – 1.5 million of them – live in and around Sacramento, our state capital. This episode explores how climate change will affect the Sacramento Valley region.


  1. How is climate change expected to affect the Sacramento Valley region? Which of these effects will have the greatest impact on people’s day-to-day lives, in your opinion?

  2. How vulnerable are communities in Sacramento to climate change effects? Using the CalEnviroScreen, compare your own neighborhood to neighborhoods in this city.

  3. Learn about Flood Preparedness Week from California Department of Water Resources. While you’re there, click on “At Home” and follow the link to the My Hazards map to see whether your home is located in a flood zone.

  4. Have you had any weather- or environment-related experiences similar to the young people in this episode? If so, how are your experiences similar? If not, why do you think that is?


In order of appearance, the young people I interviewed for this episode were: Jayson, Juan, and Avonna (all in Sacramento). I also spoke with my scientist-collaborator, Nancy Freitas.


Want to listen on another platform? You can find Future Imperfect on Apple Podcasts and on Stitcher.


If you want to dig deeper into some of the topics in this episode, here are some places to begin.

About anticipated climate change impacts:

Efforts at climate change mitigation and adaptation

About heat:

About precipitation:

About flooding:

About wildfire:

Establishing the relationship between specific events and climate change: