Through Host Sites and the Statewide Office, CGEP will work with schools, districts, and counties/regions to provide professional learning that is tailored to the local needs of educators. Please contact Program Director Alfredo Varela or Executive Director Emily Schell to discuss and develop plans for building global competence through disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary programs. 

Some of the programs that we offer include:

  • Coaching for Global Competence (PK-12) - Teachers who have participated in CGEP programs are invited to join a 10-week Coaching Pod with like-minded educators seeking to improve their skills and abilities in global education. A Lead Coach facilitates five 75-minute sessions and provides individual coaching between biweekly sessions. Individual coaching sessions are available to teachers who participate in our quarterly Community of Practice for Global Educators sessions.

  • Community of Practice for Global Educators (PK-12) - CGEP leaders facilitate teacher-directed research and exploration of effective resources, instructional strategies, and outcomes for global education in California classrooms and programs.

  • Computer Science & Geography Integration (5-12) - Teachers focus on geographic inquiry and how to help students make sense of large amounts of data about the world to help them take better care of the planet and create more peaceful and prosperous futures for our communities. Geography and computer science integration provide powerful opportunities to learn tools to investigate, analyze, and take informed action on the most complex issues we face today.

  • Engaging All Learners (PK-12) - This program focuses on equity and student engagement, and supports teachers to integrate standards-based instruction and 21st century learning skills. Educators participate in a 4-6 day institute, in-class coaching sessions, and follow-up meetings to learn, plan, implement, and evaluate effective instructional practices.   

  • GeoGlobal Inquiry Network (PK-12) - In collaboration with the California Geographic Alliance, educators explore contemporary and standards-based geography as it intersects with inquiry-driven global education. Educators learn from colleagues, local scholars, and teacher leaders through academic presentations, discussions, readings, environmental scans, field study, and curriculum development. Contact Director Tom Herman to learn more or request professional learning services.

  • Global Book Bags (PK-6) - Elementary educators learn about and develop book bags that can be used in the classroom or as home learning activities. Each book bag includes a children's book with a global theme, instructions for activities that develop global competence, and any resources needed for the learning activities. Recommended book lists are available for teaching global citizenship, environmental literacy, UN Sustainable Development Goals, geography, STEAM, SEL, early learning, and resilience, restoration, and rebuilding.

  • Global Education Certificate (PK-16) - an online graduate-level certificate program offered through the University of San Diego Professional and Continuing Education designed for educators interested in learning about and/or deepening their practices in global education. The series of 1-unit self-paced courses helps teachers to develop a global lens on teaching and learning while learning from colleagues across the state. In combination with CGEP programs, teachers must earn 8 units to qualify for the Global Education Certificate.

  • Global Dialogue (6-12) - Working with the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change and the Generation Global virtual exchange program, educators learn about the essentials of dialogue and how to communicate about global issues with peers in other countries through live videoconferences.

  • Global Voices: Digital Storytelling (PK-12) - Working with the Global Oneness Project resources, educators learn about foundational elements of culture and how these are shared in various media as digital storytelling. Teachers are engaged in project-based learning that invites students to contribute artifacts to a time capsule capturing and preserving students' own cultural elements through a letter, oral interview, photo essay, and/or short film.

  • Intercultural Ambassadors (K-12) -  In collaboration with local university programs, international students visiting the U.S. work with local teachers to create cultural learning experiences for their students.  

  • Latino Leaders Speak (5-12) - This workshop engages teachers in learning about local and global leadership through the stories of Latino Leaders featured in a book of the same title. Working with the Latino Leaders Network, CGEP teachers and leaders have developed global education lessons and resources that support civics education, ethnic studies, multicultural learning, antibias education, and leadership studies.

  • Teaching Geography with the California Atlas (4-12) — This workshop helps teachers develop the background knowledge and skills necessary for building geographic thinking, reasoning, and perspectives in students using the California Geographic Alliance atlas, California: A Changing State. Instructional resources are provided in this workshop led by Geographer Dr. Thomas Herman.

  • Teaching with Heart: An Institute for New & Beginning Teachers (PK-12) - This summer institute and coaching program engages early career teachers in learning about global education as a way to understand and teach about the interconnectedness of life, learning, and relationships.

  • Sustainable Development Goals (PK-12) - Learn more about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and how to integrate these important global issues into your curriculum using inquiry, media literacy, and global competence.

  • Teaching for Sustainable Communities: Empowering Ecoliterate Global Citizens (PK-12) - This program prepares educators to engage students in environmental literacy and justice, design thinking, global competence, and civic action projects. Through a 5-day summer institute and webinars, field study and coaching during the school year, teachers guide their students toward a Spring exhibition of student learning (e.g., school, district, or regional showcase, festival, summit, etc.) that features their civic action projects and proposals for sustainability.