Developing the potential in every global citizen

California Global Education Project designs and leads quality professional learning that inspires and supports PK-12 educators from across the disciplines to prepare all youth to be globally competent, engaged members of our interconnected and changing world.

About Us

Find out more about our organization, mission, vision, and guiding principles. Contact our statewide office to join us in building global education in California. While our work focuses on professional learning for PK-12 educators in California, the results are seen in students as they share the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of global competence.

Professional Learning Programs

CGEP provides professional learning programs in global education for PK-12 teachers across California. For teachers located near Host Sites, look for CGEP programs offered at Humboldt COE, Glenn COE, Columbia School District, UC Berkeley, Orange County Department of Education, and San Diego COE. Schools and districts outside of these regions may request professional learning services directly from the CGEP Statewide Office.

Global Matters

Welcome to the second edition of our new CGEP newsletter! This monthly publication provides information about programs, resources, projects, and global educators in action. We will share teaching tips from CGEP members and invite your ideas and feedback to make this a newsletter for and about you. Please send suggestions or comments to Alfredo Varela at

Members receive the newsletter in their e-mail monthly. Please sign-up to become a member!


PK-12 Global Ed Resources Website

Check out CGEP’s PK-12 Global Education Resources website created by and for California teachers to support teaching and learning for global competence. Bookmark this site at!

Easily filter through the multitude of resources available for teachers and students.


Future Imperfect Podcast Series

This series is dedicated to exploring how climate change will affect individuals and communities across California. All episodes are tied together by three important concepts: climate change mitigation, adaptation to climate change, and climate justice. Episodes feature the voices of young people, activists, and people working in state, local, and tribal governments. Nancy Freitas, a climate scientist studying at UC Berkeley, brings a scientific lens to each episode. Resources are available with each episode on our website. Webinar recording about the series is here.

— Series created by Shane Carter, Office of Resources for International and Area Studies (ORIAS) Program Coordinator, UC Berkeley


Virtual Exchange Connects Students

Interested in connecting your students with their peers around the world?

Check out Generation Global for resources and information about videoconference exchanges for students in grades 6-12.

Each Fall, join Global Classroom Connect, which partners California teachers and their students with a teacher and class in Taiwan. Teachers meet 3-4 times during the year and maintain cross-cultural exchange through learning activities throughout the school year. This program is hosted by the Humboldt County Office of Education with support from CGEP.


Teaching Geography with the New California Atlas

Our new online course prepares 4th grade teachers to effectively integrate geography into their year-long Social Studies program using the California Geographic Alliance’s updated edition of the student atlas California: A Changing State. Upon completion of the course, teachers will receive a class set of atlases and materials for classroom use. Contact your regional CGEP director or CGA Director Tom Herman for more information. 1 unit available through University of San Diego Professional and Continuing Education.

For an in-person workshop, contact Dr. Tom Herman at


Latino Leaders Speak Curriculum & Workshop

Are you looking for powerful stories to share with your secondary students about vision, persistence, and leadership? Latino Leaders Speak is a collection of stories about global citizens who have life lessons for all of us. Download a free curriculum guide here for use in distance or in-classroom learning plans. These stories are intended to support self-reflection and critical thinking while developing global competence and community leadership. Find stories and guide in Resources.

If you are interested in hosting or participating in a workshop, please contact Barbara Vallejo Doten at

Why Our World Needs Global Education at EdInnovate Showcase 2022

Imagine schools in which educators, students, and community members work together to identify, investigate, and address issues of local importance and global significance so that learning reinforces engaged citizenship and contributions to a better world. This “Big Idea” talk shares what CGEP is doing and considers the power and potential of global education.

Powerful Digital Storytelling

Global Oneness Project provides a wealth of short films, photo essays, and articles for students to examine, discuss, question, and evaluate. With rich themes, cultural beauty, and global issues to explore, students are inspired to interpret, capture, and express elements of their own culture to share.
Check out the new Student Gallery to center youth perspectives in your lessons.
Also, watch recorded webinars available online, including Student Curiosity and The Human Spirit During COVID-19.

Global Stories for the Elementary Classroom

Are you looking for great books with global themes? Check out our book lists under Resources and find home learning activities under the Global Book Bags program. Contact your Regional Director or Statewide Office for more information.